Church Location & Address: 90 Blackstock Rd. Inman, SC 29349 (map)
Telephone & Fax: Tel: (864) 472-2863
Email: (Pastor) (Music Director) (Church Secretary)
To recieve important text messages from Pastor Sean about Church news, events and prayer requests please follow the instructions below.
Text @iffwbc to (502)410–3254
You may opt-out at anytime by replying,

Church Office
Ms. Patty will now be working in the church office from 9:00am to 4:00pm daily. She will be happy to assist you with information concerning church activities, scheduling for the calendar, use of buildings or equipment, prayer request for the prayer list, announcement for the bulletin, etc. You may contact Patty in the office at (864) 472-2863 or her cell (864) 978-1271.
If anyone would like to join our Church
and has accepted Christ as their Savior & followed in Believer’s Baptism,
Please see Pastor Sean.